IO1. Definition of Training Itinerary Methodological Guidelines
This document contains some methodological notes that will guide the analysis activities on ICT skill and competences gap among our target group (rural women). The conclusions obtained will allow us to define the competences and skills that will be the base to build the Bridging the Gap training pathway.

Bridging the Gap
MOOC Modules
In this section, you can find the BtG MOOC Modules in pdf format.
You can download the modules in the partners’ country languages.

Manual to Learn & User Guide
This is an electronic manual with instructions on how the user can use the platform. Through descriptions and images, he can learn the whole process of registering and watching the courses that have been created. Good reading!
Before we start with the training material, we need to register on the platform. For registration please, click the button
If you want to download the User Manual in other languages, please click on the images above.