Meet our experts.
Ce.F.A.S. Centro di Formazione e Alta Specializzazione
Ce.F.A.S. – Training and High Specialization Center is a Vocational Training Authority, established in December 2015, accredited by the Puglia Region for Continuing Education, Higher Education and Training in the area of disadvantage with code 6B2JZE6.
It is composed of a stable team of experts connected to a network of highly qualified collaborators, consultants and professionals with multidisciplinary skills, experts in training and business consulting. Ce.F.A.S. operates in the field of vocational training by offering training activities for employed workers, specialization courses for the unemployed, tailor-made training courses and specific consultancy for businesses, highly qualified teaching services, planning and management of training projects.
The main areas of work:
- • Basic training, aimed at improving the employability of human resources.
- • Professional training aimed to create and deepen the knowledge and skills of human resources.
- • On the job training, which aims to connect the professionalism of workers to the needs of user companies, training and training students to use the equipment and tools necessary to perform the work activities for which they are hired.
- • Qualification and Requalification Paths, aimed at strengthening the professional position of the hired workers, through the transmission of additional skills with respect to those possessed at the time of hiring.
- • Paths of Active Labor Policies, whose objective is to help people increase their awareness of their personal and professional characteristics through Orientation, Balance of skills and Accompaniment at Work, for easier integration into the labor market.
- • Development and management of EU-funded projects
DRAMBLYS is a non-profit organisation located in Spain that works for the promotion of social innovation. We combine sociological imagination & inquiry with social creativity and design to approach, explore, and innovate solutions to contribute to sustainable development.
The aim is to facilitate creative dialogues and co-create sustainable alternatives and so, to inspire new social entrepreneurs and community leaders & promote sustainable ways of living.
Our main areas of expertise include programmes design and evaluation, data visualization and social innovation design, development and management.
DRAMBLYS aspires to serve as an interactive platform and meeting point to exchange, design, inspire and promote social innovation projects and creative alternatives, both globally and locally.
Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas (AFAMMER)
AFAMMER is an NGO created in 1982 with the aim of promoting and defending rural women and their families from the economic, social and cultural point of view.
We claim the role of women in the development of the rural world and contribute to their training and their incorporation into the labor market.
We work for equal opportunities and promote policies for the development of rural areas.
AFAMMER makes the voice of rural women heard and makes their situation visible in international organizations.
AFAMMER is the first organization of rural women created in Spain.
We develop training programs to facilitate the access of rural women to the labor market and facilitate their professional retraining:
- • Program for the incorporation of rural women into training processes and the labor market.
- • Multiregional training plan.
- • Train the Gap Project.
We work for the promotion of entrepreneurship in rural areas based on the use of new technologies, respect for the environment and sustainable development through different projects:
- • Women and new technologies in the economic dynamization of the rural environment
- • Rural women and opportunities for self-employment and promotion of local products in the environment of protected natural areas through tourism.
We try to build an informed rural society in diverse topics that affect daily life, including those related to health and prevention of violence against women:
- • Prevention and awareness campaign in drug dependence in rural areas.
- • Program of counseling and prevention of violence against women in rural areas
We promote cultural promotion in rural areas:
- • Program to encourage reading and writing in rural areas.
Emphasys Centre
Emphasys Centre, established in 1998, runs an ICT Education and VET Centre approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, as well as an EU Research Centre. It is staffed with a well-rounded team that includes specialists in ICT, Psychology, Sociology, Education, Law, Economics, Business, Human Rights, Architecture and Graphic Design.
Emphasys is organized in 4 directorates. The Education Directorate includes validated and accredited IT courses, such as the GCE A’ Level Computer Science for students, or the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) for professionals, while providing Career Counselling Services.
The ICT Training Directorate includes a fully equipped STEAM Learning Unit and the EU Training Unit, focusing on the provision of Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility Courses for EU professionals and citizens. Emphasys offers its services to a diverse portfolio of public and private organisations, as well as individuals from all ages and walks of life.
The STEAM UNIT is fully equipped with high tech tools in order to offer project-driven related courses to young people, combining Robotics, 3D Design and Printing using the Craftbot+ 3D Printer, and Coding through Video Game design, using state of the art Virtual Reality Headsets such as the Oculus Rift S, led by ‘Lego Education Trainer’ certified instructors. Most of the courses follow the 4C approach of Lego Education: “Connect – Construct – Contemplate – Continue”, where learners are presented with an open-ended challenge that places them in a position of solution-seeking.
The Research Directorate works with several organisations on EU projects under a number of funds (e.g. Erasmus, AMIF, Justice) in the field of education and training, while also providing managerial support for EU projects to schools and NGOs. Over the years, it has built a strong local and international network which is utilized in the promotion of EU projects and initiatives.
The Software Development Directorate is involved in the design, development, pilot-testing and evaluation of various e-learning tools, platforms, websites, applications and assessment portals, based on the needs of the various projects being implemented by the organization.
Emphasys is a member of the European Digital Learning Network (DLEARN) along with 25 other organisations from Europe aiming to promote the digital agenda of Europe, and part of the consulting group for the Digital Agenda of Cyprus.
Women in Digital Empowerment (WIDE)
Women in Digital Initiatives Luxembourg Asbl is a non-profit organisation founded in Luxembourg in 2014, currently acting as WIDE (Women in Digital Empowerment).
WIDE’s vision is to empower women with and thanks to digital and to increase the number of women seizing their opportunities in the digital economy and society.
WIDE’s mission is to offer practical support and activities to include more women and men in the field of digital as well as contributing to building a more diverse workforce and a wider ICT talent pipeline for Luxembourg.”
InterMediaKT is an NGO based in Patras, Greece, working since 2012 as a broker for vocational education, training and innovation at the European level. Through technology tools, collaborations and exchange of good practices, we try to achieve our main aim of Knowledge Transfer.
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS)
Since it was established, in 1990, the institute has performed scientific research activities in the field of labour market and social protection, thus supporting Romania’s efforts to create and develop a sustainable economy, based on modern, European principles. The scientific research in the institute is related to the labour market and social policy, for the creation of measurement instruments, indices and criteria. INCSMPS has as main object of activity the research and development in the field of social and humanist sciences, carry out surveys and research with theoretical-applicative character in fields of national interest regarding the human resources management, social development and social protection in Romania.