Introducción a los fundamentos básicos de las TICS para el emprendimiento

Sep, 2022
Welcome to the first module of our project for rural women entrepreneurs!
If for some of you this module will be a (vitall!) refresher course to get back on track, for others it will be a leap in learning the basics of ICT. Mastering digital tools is becoming crucial for various tasks in everyday life, especially in the world of work. You don’t have to be an expert in everything to start a business, but the days when an entrepreneur can succeed without technical knowledge, especially computer skills, are over.
Bridging the Gap offers free modules to help you get digital skills, to help you disseminate information, manage communication and also perform useful tasks on a computer in the process of creating and managing your business. In this first module, you will find the basics of IT, from computer components to software, to connectivity, problem-solving and to office tools, you will develop a whole range of additional or complementary digital skills